Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Moving Beyond ADHD Essay -- Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder

Moving Beyond ADHD   Friends are the family you choose. As a teenager, when it is hard to relate to your parents, friends become the day-to-day emotional hold in that everyone wants and needs. I suppose the search for a group of friends with whom you can share yourself completely is one of the struggles of adolescence. Disabled or not, this can be one of the toughest struggles of schoolgirlish adulthood. Having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has always complicated this for me.   The symptoms of ADHD have been described as disconnection between impulses and the knowledge of consequences. That separation permits impulses to be acted upon still with the awareness that those impulses have repercussions.   In elementary school, I was too hyperactive to be admitted into the Boy Scouts and spent more time with an ignorant and intolerant adept than with my classmates. Although I had one best friend, Kelli, and a miraculous second grade teacher, Mrs. Shapiro, who through a combination of Pizza Hut coupons and gold stars, got me to read books, I sp...

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